The story of Joseph is one full of twists, turns, and plenty of awkward moments. His story begins with dreams and visions that push his brothers to betray and abandon…
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We continue our look at the flawed patriarch Jacob. This time he gets a taste of his own medicine as he gets deceived. In this story we see the pain…
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We take a break from the book of Genesis for a week as Al Lang teaches us. He looks at the ministry of Jesus and the awkwardness that is created…
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Jacob is one of the patriarch’s of our faith, yet his story is full of lies and deception. Why is it that God would work through such a flawed…
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(Due to significant technical difficulties, the podcast from 9/14-9/28 (The Awkwardness of Conviction, The Awkwardness of Affection, and the Awkwardness of Failure) is unavailable. We hope to have remedied this…
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Too often the Christian life is painted as though it should be perfect and free from pain. The reality is that life is messy and failures are part of…
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On a very special child dedication Sunday, we consider the blessing of children. God’s purpose for children in our lives is one of tremendous blessing and strategic importance.…
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Poetry is meant to move us- to stir something deep within us. In Psalm 19, we see 3 verses that build and evoke something powerful in our hearts…but it…
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In 1900, the first Hershey’s bar was produced and it was produced for one reason: to be experienced and enjoyed. In Psalm 34, David challenges and pleads with us to…
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Sometimes the thing we want is far from the thing that we need. So often we want God to exist for us, but we need a God that has…
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David’s life was full of drama and difficulty. Psalm 142 was written at the height of fear and despair, but his trust in God was solid. We can learn…
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Psalm 2 serves as an introduction to the books of Psalms and as a warning to all those that would oppose Israel’s God. It’s message is clear: Honor and…
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This fallen world has no shortage of heartache and difficulty. When faced with this, where do we turn? Who do we look to? Psalm 73 tells us that even…
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Your faith has an impact far greater than yourself. The message of Psalm 128 is a powerful reminder that our faith’s effects are not limited to ourselves, but can…
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Is Christianity something that can be taught? Or is there something more to it than that? We can teach someone the science of hitting a baseball and the technique…
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In 2012 Providence Church participated in a program entitled “The Journey.” Over the course of that year, we read through the entire bible chronologically and all sermons followed this…
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As Paul concludes his letter to the church in Rome, he sends his personal greetings. In doing so, he provides a great picture of the early church and the relationships…
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God is always at work around us and often time we have no idea why he works in the ways that he does. Paul’s prayer was to make it to…
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Paul was a man on a mission. He knew what God had called him to and the task God had set before him. He also knew the source of power…
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Glorifying God is the essence of our mission at Providence Church, and Paul shows us that loving one another is at the heart of that mission. When we defer our…
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