As Paul concludes his letter to the church in Rome, he sends his personal greetings. In doing so, he provides a great picture of the early church and the relationships they formed. What can we learn about the early church from the way he greets those Christians? It’s a beautiful picture of the way God…

God is always at work around us and often time we have no idea why he works in the ways that he does. Paul’s prayer was to make it to Rome without incident before he left for another mission trip. He did make it to Rome, but not quite in the way he had expected….

Paul was a man on a mission. He knew what God had called him to and the task God had set before him. He also knew the source of power that fueled this mission. This led him to a bold confidence and a deep humility that enabled him to accomplish this task. Do you have…

Glorifying God is the essence of our mission at Providence Church, and Paul shows us that loving one another is at the heart of that mission. When we defer our rights in order to love one another, we show that we love our brother more than we love ourselves. In a culture that asserts the…

The Cross of Christ is the darkest moment in human history. As Jesus is crucified, he cries out in apparent abandonment from his father, “My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?” As he does this, he draws our attention to David’s words in Psalm 22. The beauty of the cross is that it…

The idea of unity within the church has almost become a punchline to a joke, yet according to Paul (and Jesus) this is central to the witness of the church to a watching culture. What does it mean to live life together and to maintain our convictions? Should we even hold convictions? What is the…

This life is fleeting and will soon be past. Paul wants to make sure we don’t go through this life believing that this is all there is. There is an end to this life and we need to live as if we believe this is true. For Christians, this is our ultimate hope and also…

What expectations do you bring to the table when it comes to God? What do you expect from Him? What do you think your life should look like? And then,what happens when those expectations go unmet? This has been the reality for many and the Carroll’s ongoing journey of adoption is a picture of unmet…

Paul gives us the picture of how a disciple is to live and relate to others. He tells us that it is our love that defines us as disciples. If this is true, it has a profound impact on how we determine what really matters in life and within the church. We must change the…

As Christians we find ourselves living in a constant tension: citizens of God’s kingdom and citizens of an earthly kingdom. This was true of Christians in Rome and is still true for us in America today. How do we navigate that tension? What is the nature of the relationship of Christians and our government? Jacob…

What does it look like to live as a disciple in today’s world? This is the question Paul seeks to answer in the final verses of Romans 12. The transformed life doesn’t stop inside the walls of a church, but is carried into our everyday lives. Paul gives us a clear path toward living a…

The front porch was once a place where neighbors gathered and friends lingered. In today’s hurried world, it can be almost impossible to duplicate that kind of community. However at Providence we are committed to being that kind of place—where you can be yourself, share your greatest joys and deepest troubles. In Romans 12 Paul…

Do you know your “gift-mix”? Do you have supernatural “gifts” that enable you to do extraordinary things? These are often the questions we ask when we want to know how God can use us in the church, but is this really what Paul had in mind? We take a look at Romans 12 and the…

How you see yourself and how you present yourself are usually not reflections of your true self. The power of the gospel transforms how view ourselves. No longer do we need to run and hide, no longer do we need to present a false image, instead we are free to be honest and authentic with…

The world presses on us in every direction to form us into the shape it wants. The Christian life, however, is not one of conformity, but instead transformation. To be transformed, you can’t try to do it with balance, but a full on, passionate pursuit of Jesus. Apple Podcasts | RSS

Jesus and Paul both lay down some pretty serious challenges about discipleship. What does it mean to truly follow Jesus? What is a disciple and what does it mean to live like one? Paul challenges and urges us to build our lives on God’s mercies and to give our lives to Christ and his mission….

The Christian life is built upon a rock solid foundation. As Paul transitions into chapter 12, he reminds us that the gospel is the driving force for the Christian life. Discipleship doesn’t begin with our efforts, but Christ’s work. Apple Podcasts | RSS

God’s promises are true and he is faithful, and Paul wants to make sure the Jew and Gentile both understand that. In Romans 11, Paul answers the question that he has left open for most of the book: Is God done with Israel? In so doing, Paul shows us a picture of a God that…

God’s call on our lives requires us to lay it all at his feet, but we won’t do that if we don’t trust him. As we get back into the book of Romans, Paul teaches about why God’s faithfulness to Israel is evidence for his faithfulness today. Apple Podcasts | RSS

As we celebrate the beginning of a new year, we consider what lies ahead and count the cost of following Jesus in 2014. What will it cost us, both as a church and as individuals? Is He worth it? Apple Podcasts | RSS

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