Please plan to join us this spring as we read some great books and fellowship together. Remember that you do not have to commit to every month; just come when you can!
On the 2nd Saturday of each month from 6:30-8:30 pm, we will have prayer, potluck dinner, and that month’s book discussion led by Kammie DeGhetto at her home, 2646 Muddy Hollow Road, Dandridge.
You can call/text or email Kammie at 619-410-4778 if you have any questions.
February 8th, Breakfast Food
Current Book: The Gospel Comes with a House Key (Rosaria Butterfield)
March 14th, Tapas (appetizers)
Classic Book: “Hinds’ Feet on High Places” (Hannah Hurnard)
April 11th, Vegetarian
Apologetic Book: Living at the Crossroads (Goheen & Bartholomew)
May 9th, Salads & Bread
Voices from other Countries Book: Grace to the City: Studies in the Gospel from China (Wang & Nation)