The start of another year provides us with a good reminder to consider our lives. Regrets, celebrations, and challenges are all things that meet us in the first days of a new year. As you consider 2015, what is it that you want to accomplish? As Christians, discipleship cannot be an option for us-…

The three wisemen and the King Herod- There could not be a more stark contrast. Wisemen ready to worship in joy, and Herod ready to murder in fear. These two things, death and worship, would define Jesus’s ministry. Our response to him will look very much like one of these two responses from our Christmas…

Matthew’s account of Jesus’s birth is surprisingly short and to the point. In just 8 verses he describes the most profound and mind-blowing miracle in all of scripture: God becomes man. Can this be true? Can we believe it? Why is it important? The virgin birth, the incarnation, and salvation from our sins—this is the…

We begin our study of Matthew’s gospel with the very first verses, where he introduces us to Jesus. He wants to convey the importance of who Jesus is and command our attention for this man. He does this in a way that doesn’t always make a lot of sense to us thousands of years later- with a genealogy….

What was Jesus message while he was with us here on earth? What did he want you to know? One of his disciples, Matthew, summarized his message by saying he came proclaiming “The Kingdom of Heaven.” So what does that mean and how does that shape our lives? As we launch our new series, we…

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