The brokenness of this world is all around us in every sphere of our lives. We are constantly living in tension, if not all-out war with this reality. Paul recognizes…
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John Maxwell states, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” It’s a simple maxim with a host of questions and implications that follow. What criteria do we use to choose our…
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Sometimes we read things in the Bible that can sound pretty shocking. They make us stop and kind of scratch our heads and wonder what we just read. 1 Timothy…
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How are we meant to live in a world that does not share our values, convictions, and beliefs? This is not a new question. In fact, most of the New…
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In Paul’s first letter to Timothy, Paul claims to be the foremost of sinners. While this quote might not grab our attention nowadays, it would have been a remarkable thing…
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What do you do when you look up and it seems like you’re surrounded by a world that doesn’t want you here? What happens when you try to build a…
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God is at work. Seems like a simple enough statement, but given the right circumstances over a long enough time- it’s a statement even the most devout follower may begin…
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Sometimes we understand words and concepts even without being able to define them. They are simply things that we engage in or see every day, but don’t give much thought…
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It’s rare that you come across someone in scripture that seems to really have it all together. The Bible is full of flawed heroes. However, the book of Ruth gives…
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Good advice is always nice. It can help us find our way or sort through all kinds of problems. The only thing is, good advice still leaves one big issue-…
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Certain questions never go away. Throughout every generation, these questions constantly resurface with a variety of answers and schools of thought. When thinking through theology, the question of God’s sovereignty…
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The brokenness of this world can feel overwhelming. When surrounded by sickness, death, suffering, and violence, it can be easy to think there is no light left in this world….
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They say never meet your heroes, they’ll always let you down. Samson might be the epitome of that phrase. A man born with a purpose and gifted with nearly superhuman…
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Sometimes a story is too good to be true. Reality has a way of showing us the darkness of the world and preventing us from believing the best. No one…
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Sometimes in our rush to get what we want, we don’t really pay attention to what it is we’re getting. We rush to fill our need with something we think…
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As Americans, we’re taught from childhood that independence is a good and powerful thing. We celebrate it every Fourth of July. We read about it in our history books. It’s…
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Sometimes it seems impossible to know what God wants of us. Other times it seems so easy we don’t trust our discernment. When God called Gideon, he almost couldn’t believe…
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Strong female leadership or weak, cowardly male? Maybe both? Maybe neither? The story of Deborah, Barak, and Jael is one that has a lot of unexpected twists and turns. From…
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Violent, dark, depressing, graphic, crass. Welcome to the book of Judges. We begin our look at the judges of Israel with one of the strangest and most graphic stories in…
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It has been reported that Mark Twain said “History doesn’t repeat itself. But it does rhyme.” Whether he said it or not, that sentiment is undoubtedly true. We have no…
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