Peter Pan was convinced that the worst thing that could happen to you is that you would grow up. Walt Disney said that the trouble with the world is that…

Contentment or restlessness? Which one does God call us to? The answer seems simple. Paul even tells us the secret to contentment and exhorts us to embrace that along with…

Throughout the Bible, we are called to many things that seem to contradict each other- two callings that seem to tell us to do things that are exactly opposite. Fasting…

The Christian life is full of paradoxes. In following Jesus, we can find instructions that tell us to do things that seem to be in complete contradiction to one another….

There’s nothing worse than being stuck in the middle. It can feel like all the important things are on either side of you while you’re stuck feeling like you’ve missed…

Music is one of, if not THE, biggest parts of the Christmas season. It helps us to not just pass the time as we listen to music, but it helps…

We sit between two advents. This places us with a unique vantage point that theologians call the “already/not yet.” The season of Advent is designed to highlight the tension that…

God’s people are a waiting people. That has been true since the prophecies that were delivered right after the fall. In the Old Testament, they were waiting on God’s promised…

“Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in the morning, sailor take warning.” Simple saying rooted in simple observations. Yet for Jesus, it represents a powerful truth that should…

Around Christmastime, there may be no more title synonymous with Jesus than, “The Prince of Peace.” We celebrate “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.” Yet Jesus’s own words seem to…

Sometimes the most loving thing we can hear is not in the form of encouragement, but instead in the form of a warning. In dealing with the Pharisees, Jesus issues…

Fear is a core emotion that is universal to the human condition. Yet the Bible’s most frequent instruction to us is, “Don’t be afraid.” Unfortunately, the emotion of fear is…

Who is church for? Is it a place where the rule followers and rule enforcers find a home? Is it a place where those that can’t seem to get life…

There is no “middle road” in the life of faith. Our path cannot split the difference between God and the world. Either we are walking the path of wisdom or…

Seeing is believing, at least that’s what we’re told. We all know it’s not quite that simple. Sometimes our eyes play tricks on us. Sometimes what we see is so…

The way we approach God and the language of prayer is often filled with much reverence, pomp, and circumstance. While the heart behind that approach is rooted in a high…

Jesus invites Mary and Martha into a deeper understanding of what it means to be a disciple. This encounter may have more to teach us about Jesus’ call to discipleship…

The Good Samaritan ranks as one of the most well-known stories in all of scripture. The lessons it teaches are numerous and readily applicable to our world today, but its…

There is only one place in all the gospels where we see something explicitly described as bringing joy to Jesus. A passage like that should get our attention and provoke…

Following Jesus can lead you to some unexpected places. For 72 of Jesus’s first followers, it put them out as “sheep among wolves.” Yet when they returned from their mission,…

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