Why would an objectively successful and definitively powerful army commander want things in his life to change? He had everything the world says we need and should want, but Naaman…
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Day-by-day we are all writing our story. This is true of us and it’s true of Providence as well. As we have now become an independent church (no longer a…
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How will I be remembered? It’s a question we all ask ourselves as we live our lives and do the best we can. The truth is, even the best of…
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Most of us spend our lives avoiding uncomfortable situations. Most of the time God does his most profound work through uncomfortable situations. So what do you do when God calls…
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(We apologize, the first portion of this recording is missing) We all have a story to tell. Some of us think our story has been told- we’re just living out the…
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Sometimes our place in this world can seem very small. In the face of such massive problems facing our country and in our own lives, we can seem very insignificant….
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Forgiveness is one of the cornerstones of the Christian faith. It is also one of the most difficult things to put into practice. What does it look like to truly…
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Love- it seems like a simple enough concept. But it all depends on the definition you use. The biblical picture of love is a lot more than simple affection and…
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Sin is not to be taken lightly. Jesus makes it clear that we need to take sin with the utmost seriousness. He certainly does. Some of Jesus’s strongest words in…
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When Yoda attempts to train the prideful, impatient Luke Skywalker, Luke’s misconceptions about Yoda lead him to miss amazing things. Yoda warns him that you can’t judge things by their…
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Peter’s confession marked him as a new man, but that was just a moment in time. What happens after that confession? How does it change us? For Peter, he still…
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Who do you say I am? It’s the question we all have to answer. Just who is Jesus and what does it matter? Peter’s confession is a dramatic moment in…
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Have you ever trusted your GPS only to end up completely lost? Few things will get you lost faster than a GPS that is always recalculating. Yet so often, we…
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Religious rule followers can look like they’ve really got their act together. The problem is that it can often be just that… an act. Full obedience is about a lot…
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Perhaps Jesus’s most well-known miracle is his ability to walk on water. When you study the story, the “WHAT” (walking on water) is amazing, but the WHY is where we…
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The feeding of the 5000 is one of Jesus’s most famous miracles. What makes it so memorable and what kind of lessons should we learn from it? How will your…
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Jesus of Nazareth- That’s what they called him. Yet the people of Nazareth couldn’t believe that the Jesus they knew was anything more than just the kid from down the…
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As Jesus gives us pictures of the Kingdom of Heaven, the idea of a treasure is enticing. What does that mean for you though? Taking hold of this kingdom takes…
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Expectations can cause us to miss beautiful things when things don’t look quite like what we had pictured. Jesus alters our expectations when it comes to his kingdom. How will…
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Sometimes our lives can leave us asking some hard questions. Sometimes it can be difficult to see God in the midst of pain, suffering, and the mess of life. The…
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