What will 2020 be for you? Will it be another year to mark off a calendar? Day after day, week after week, just crossing off days? Or it will be…
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Sometimes the Bible calls us to look to our past to find our hope. We behold stories from the Old Testament, babies in mangers, a savior on a cross, and…
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51 years ago on Christmas Eve, the world was fixed on their television screens as, for the first time in history, men had left the earth’s grasp and had reached…
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It is sometimes surprising that something as theologically profound as the incarnation can be so prominent in our culture. It is less surprising to see when our culture gets it…
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From Isaiah to Luke, the call to “Come, Behold” echoes throughout the pages of scripture. Each time that we’re told to behold, we are receiving a profound invitation for a…
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The Bible is full of moments that can be lost on us as readers. Majestic moments can be read over and missed all too easily. The Christmas Story shouldn’t be…
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Throughout the book of Exodus, we can see the repeated, relentless declaration of a God that would have no rivals. From His declaration of “I am” to the unveiling of…
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Often times scripture presents us with truths that seem to be a complete paradox. One of those is the truth of God’s grace set against the continued demand for obedience….
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It is one thing to make a bold request before God. It’s another to have that request answered, and then to continue to make even bolder requests. That doesn’t stop…
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What’s the difference between someone that acts and someone that misses their opportunity? Is it bravery? Is it boldness? Is it ambition? In this sermon, Pete Higgs of Renvoatus shows…
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Moses and the people of Israel finally got to hear what they’d been waiting on. It was time to move on and claim what God had promised, but with one…
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Worship is a universal language. We ALL worship, but what drives our worship? For some, our minds drive our emotions in worship. For others, our emotions help us engage our…
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A little over 500 years ago, the world was shaken by the Protestant Reformation. The driving factors for the Reformation were varied culturally and theologically, however central to the thought…
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Detailed instructions about the tabernacle can be boring to read and hard to understand. But the tabernacle represented a gracious work by God- to create a place where He could…
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The Bible is not a collection of loosely related stories and heroic acts by Godly people. Instead, it is telling many stories that weave together to tell one large story….
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When it comes to various laws in the Old Testament, people have many reactions. Some Christians want to carry them over to today while others are embarrassed to even read…
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Early bird gets the worm. Rolling stone gathers no moss. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Such is the prevailing wisdom of…
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When obedience is only about “trying hard enough.” We can usually make ourselves do whatever needs to be done, especially if the reward is big enough. When it comes to…
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In the giving of the ten commandments, God establishes a framework for His relationship with us that asserts both his authority and his expectations. Through those commands, God graciously shows…
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The Ten Commandments are some of the most well-known pieces of scripture in the world. They are displayed, debated, and dismissed, but what role do they play in our lives…
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